Social MGM

MGM Marketing allows you to manage existing customers
And acquire new customers at the same time

Expand customer base by rewarding existing customers for bringing new customers

Trusted by over 100 of Happy Customers

What is WEBA’s Social MGM Module?

In WEBA’s Social Member-Get-Member Module, you can set sharing requirements, customize the difficulty, and reward incentives. Once launched, you can utilize existing customers as brand ambassador and leverage social media to create viral exposure for your marketing to bring in new customers.

Customize sharing requirements and difficulty

Flexibly set corresponding requirements and tasks to each campaign for new participants to meet in exchange for existing customers or referrer to receive a reward.

Use on registration, digital application, spending benchmark, and other sales obejctives
Support external API, online form filling, embedded elements and other verifications
Flexibly establish multi-layer sharing and repeate receiving rules

Additional Features:Interaction

Stimulate action through promotional incentives

Campaign referrer who have completed social or membership verification can receive rewards through single or multiple sharing. Campaign receivers will also get their corresponding reward thus increasing the effectiveness of gaining new customers.

Multi-level instant rewards and lottery drawing interaction available
Dynamically display sharing progress on campaign site
Provide recipient rewards to accelerate sharing

Decipher sharing data to find the most valuable KOC

The backend database includes spreadsheet details on referrer and receiver, how they are connected, number of shares and other public or personal data collected.

Real-time completed tasks and reach status
Multi-level sharing details provided in list format
Full report and list available for download

3 Steps to start using WEBA

1. Choose an Appropriate Template

Hundreds of sets of editions are optionally applied, or through No-Code forms such as components, menus, and content building blocks, create an webpage that meets your needs, and Review > Approve > Publish.

2. The Business Model can be used at Any Time

There are dozens of application mechanisms that can meet the needs of enterprises, such as: publishing mechanism, guide and retention mechanism, revenue doubling mechanism, loyalty and service mechanism, etc.

3. Continuous Optimization of Performance Review

Real-time review of the benefits of each event project, keep abreast of data changes, and identify opportunities for continuous growth and remarketing based on user behavior and digital trajectories.

For more information, please see our FAQ

Understand our Effectiveness & Grow Together


Over 5,000 new participants through existing customers


2,300+ participants converted to customers post campaign


Over 20% advertising fees reduced compared to past events

More WEBA‘s Modules

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